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[Shock] Result /for which the you tuba asked you in the road saying "let me kiss" I was serious, I could kiss with Japanese beauty OL, and laughed (smile).



[Shock] Result /for which the you tuba asked you in the road saying "let me kiss" I was serious, I could kiss with Japanese beauty OL, and laughed (smile).
When a popular you tuba carries out "let me kiss" and the wish by on the street [ of the Ginza in Tokyo ], I succeed in kissing truly with what, and two Japanese beauty OLs and one man, and have become the big center of attention on the Internet.

- May 23 is "a day of kiss."
Mr. Gabe Kyn popular as a you tuba notes that May 23, 2016 is "a day of kiss." I became feeling to kiss and applied "I am waiting in the Ginza, so please let me kiss", and collection by Twitter. Then, one man came with one beauty OL, and I gave a kiss with カブキン!
- In the man hungry for kiss, it is good news.
And I succeed in kissing also with one beauty OL who was walking along on the street. The point which should be noted is a point which kissed with two beauty OLs, the mouth, and the mouth! being such -- being also alike -- the Japanese woman is big-hearted in making it kiss simply. If kiss can be done so simply and it will entreat for the man hungry for kiss in the road "let me kiss!!", the woman who makes it kiss may appear!?

- It is dangerous to invite kiss indiscriminately.
However, since this rule was "Kissing by being glad if it will be a woman in case of a man", it is surrounded by men and it may have kissed earnestly by men. It may also be a problem to invite kiss indiscriminately.

I read in more detail : the result (バズプラス news Buzz Plus) for which I asked you in the road saying "let me kiss" -- http://buzz-plus.com/article/2016/05/23/kiss-youtuber/


in Japanese

【衝撃】ユーチューバーが路上で「キスさせて」とお願いした結果 / マジで日本人美女OLとキスできて笑った(笑)

しかも、路上を歩いていた美人OL1人ともキスをすることに成功。注目すべき点は、美人OL2人と口と口でキスをした点である! そんなにも簡単にキスをさせてくれるとは、日本人女性は太っ腹である。そんなに簡単にキスができるなら、キスに飢えている男性は路上で「キスをさせてください!!」と懇願すれば、キスさせてくれる女性が現れるかもしれない!?


もっと詳しく読む: 路上で「キスさせて」とお願いした結果(バズプラスニュース Buzz Plus) http://buzz-plus.com/article/2016/05/23/kiss-youtuber/


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