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Consider applying for the first time the collision rules operational standards review after




, but there was a play from the game of baseball took place 31

, Lotte vs optimism reviewed operational standards of collision rules new rules prevent dangerous conflict at home for the first time, rules are considered as judges was unavoidable play, did not apply. When


in this game once, Lotte Okada players from second home aimed at Rakuten catcher Shima players collided. Shima players block was out of the way because the referee considers application of collision rules new rules avoid dangerous head-on collisions was introduced from season to season.
visual verification that the "unavoidable condition to the runway to block Shima players missed the throw to home was not playing was" without applying rules, did not affect judgment. Shima players, but not deliberately tried to block, was issued a warning. That rules out opinions and questions over the new rules
hard to judge from several teams for the month from 22 reviewed operational standards, are thrown at it unavoidably include catcher entered the track of the runners had become.



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