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WTO ブラジル工業製品の減税措置 是正勧告の判断 | NHKニュースを英語にすると


BT is in violation of the WTO = World Trade Organization rule against tax cuts that Brazil prefers industrial products manufactured domestically It is a problem that Japan and the EU = European Union were suing for, the WTO acknowledged Japan 's assertions and indicated a decision to recommend correction to Brazil.

The Brazilian Government introduced preferential measures such as targeting tax cuts for products with many manufacturing processes in Brazil when raising the tax rate on industrial products such as automobiles in Japan in 2011 Did.

In response to this preferential treatment, Japan and the EU aimed at protecting domestic industries, raising an appeal to the WTO for a review of the system on the grounds that it violates the WTO agreement of international trade rules It was.

On Wednesday, the Subcommittee on Dispute Resolution of the WTO said on Wednesday that "the measures of the Brazilian government are putting a heavy burden on overseas companies, and the WTO rule that taxation should not discriminate against domestic enterprises by taxation We voted against "Japan violates the assertion of Japan, etc. and indicated a decision to recommend rectification to Brazil.

If there is no appeal from Brazil, this decision will be finalized.


WTO ブラジル工業製品の減税措置 是正勧告の判断 | NHKニュース

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