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大リーグ イチロー 代打で出場も三振 | NHKニュースを英語にすると


Ichiro of Marlins, a major league, played in a fierce strike against Phyllis on Sunday, making a staggering strike.

Ichiro participated in a game against Phillies at a partner base in Phillies with a one - on - one hit from a seven - to - one lead, which was one to eight, and fell into a stray strike. I did not get on the defense.

Marlins loses 1: 8 and loses 4 consecutive games in the game.


大リーグ イチロー 代打で出場も三振 | NHKニュース

大リーグ イチロー 代打で出場も三振 | NHKニュース の原文をチェック

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