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元横綱 日馬富士の傷害事件 貴ノ岩が損害賠償の訴え取り下げ | NHKニュースを英語にすると


On the occasion of injuries caused by injuries caused by a former Yokozuna Nikko Fuji beckoned by former Yokozuna Nikko Fuji, the former Yokozuna Nikko Fuji 's injury incident Takinori damages damages In a trial where Mr. Fuji asked for damages such as consolation fee for compensation of about 24 million yen, the Takashiwa side says, "Bashing in Mongolia far exceeds the assumption and protects the family's peaceful living" etc. I withdrew the appeal on 30th.

In Mongolia, Takanori in the Makuhari from Mongolia was beaten by former Yokozuna Nikko Fuji in a restaurant in Tottori city by a remote control of karaoke in October, and injured injuries, inpatient treatment In addition to the expenses, the prize money was also obtained unless it had fallen to 10 or so, etc., the Tokyo district court raised an appeal seeking compensation totaling more than 24 million yen.

However, according to the attorney of Tonohiro's agent, "Bashing in Mongolia far exceeded the assumption, especially the family was exposed to serious heartache, to protect the family's peaceful living" It is said that Takashiro took down the complaint on 30th as such.

About this, Takashiwa said, "I can not endure my family 's painful hardship in Mongolia, I decided to pay for all expenses, including treatment costs, in the future I'd like to take a step back in the sumo wrestling "and so on.


元横綱 日馬富士の傷害事件 貴ノ岩が損害賠償の訴え取り下げ | NHKニュース
大相撲の貴ノ岩が元横綱 日馬富士に殴られてけがをした傷害事件をめぐり、日馬富士に対し慰謝料など2400万円余りの損害賠償を求めていた裁判で、貴ノ岩側は「モンゴルでのバッシングが想定をはるかに超え、家族の平穏な暮らしなどを守るためだ」などとして、30日に訴えを取り下げました。

元横綱 日馬富士の傷害事件 貴ノ岩が損害賠償の訴え取り下げ | NHKニュース の原文をチェック

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