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「 月別アーカイブ:2016年04月 」 一覧

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Semi high speed trains running at 160 km per hour, using a conventional operation with conventional use semi-high speed train India

2016/04/05   未分類

[ad_1] India, starts at 5, the India Gov ...

Sushi isn't the only thing to eat at the Tsukiji Fish Market!

2016/04/05   未分類

Please like & subscribe 🙂 Enter to win a ...

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Could not able to exceed the staffing standard record by Kosuke Kitajima, aiming for 5 consecutive Olympic swimming Kitajima swimming 100 m breaststroke Olympic qualifiers cannot be done in

2016/04/05   Sports

[ad_1] Tokyo, Japan Championships men's ...

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Has to explore the future, might eat eggs and special natural monument in the country

2016/04/05   Culture&entertainment

[ad_1] Naruto city, Tokushima Prefecture ...

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Kobe steel China construction machinery business comeback

2016/04/05   未分類

[ad_1] major steelmakers see Kobe steel, ...

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Talk for the first time detailed how former pitcher Matsumoto Tatsuya Matsumoto former pitcher baseball betting Giants did say

2016/04/05   Sports

[ad_1] baseball-Giants Baseball gambling ...

Goat weed party this year as activity start

2016/04/05   Culture&entertainment

[ad_1] , k10010468511_201604051910_20160 ...

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Yen Yen rate 1 year 5 months Buri temporary 110 Yen units in the first half

2016/04/05   未分類

[ad_1] 5, Tokyo Forex market, futures pr ...

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Mariners Aoki kicks off against Starter to play in major league no-hitter

2016/04/05   Sports

[ad_1] , the mariners from season to sea ...

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Satoshi Omura at Kitasato University ceremony Mr. Omura Nobel Prize ALE

2016/04/05   Culture&entertainment

[ad_1] Kitasato University entrance cere ...

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At Mitsui Sumitomo silver negative interest rates some account in Sumitomo Mitsui Banking fees

2016/04/05   未分類

[ad_1] major banks are part from concern ...

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To stop until the Olympics end half a year while Jingu Stadium using request

2016/04/05   Sports

[ad_1] found that the requested part own ...

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We found that missionaries gave effect to human skeletal remains during House of Arai Hakuseki of Italy missionaries inspired great Confucian scholars wrote books about Western culture, results of DNA tests that found human bones from the site during Yashiki in bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo

2016/04/05   Culture&entertainment

[ad_1] during the Edo period had housed ...

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At the film Center of Tadashi Kinoshita movies music films directed by Keisuke Kinoshita, 72 book

2016/04/05   GINZA

[ad_1] , from 4/5, feature screenings at ...

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I found lowering to 400 Yen fare taxi base 400 Yen Tokyo companies study

2016/04/05   未分類

[ad_1] Tokyo major taxi companies 23 dis ...

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O'Neill U.S. basketball and Yao Ming's Hall of Fame was named Shaquille O'Neill

2016/04/05   Sports

[ad_1] American basketball's Hall of Fam ...

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Touch local students at one end of the Japan culture in U.S. college students to challenge Japan culture touching Kabuki

2016/04/05   Culture&entertainment

[ad_1] USA Western Oregon State College, ...

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Current fiscal year budget "in the first half ahead of schedule", ahead of increased uncertainty about the Outlook for the world economy, virtuous cycle in the economy to make sure for the previously approved budget as far as possible in the first half of the current fiscal year, the Executive have instructed Ministers to Prime Minister Prime Minister Abe instructions

2016/04/05   未分類

[ad_1] in the Cabinet, 5. [ad_2] Read mo ...

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It was decided four player OTA Yuki, Japan Olympic fencing OTA Yuki, including four representatives of the Rio de Janeiro Olympic decision

2016/04/05   Sports

[ad_1] fencing in two consecutive silver ...

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In the French TV program trade fair city's defensive spirit was specially screened and kicks off at special screening

2016/04/05   Culture&entertainment

[ad_1] France Cannes the world's biggest ...