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Cancer patient society "getting the right patient knowledge transmission of voice"



national cancer patients and their families learn, treatment and research challenges "cancer patient society" say it's very important that the correct patient to receive appropriate treatment, held in Tokyo in knowledge and disseminate the voice was made.

"cancer patient society", held organizations make in cancer patients ' Association, is second followed last year. Venue Tokyo, Chuo-ku, cancer patients and their families, and healthcare professionals, such as around 100 people gathered. On the other hand is very effective

Introduction to high-priced present a series of drug development, health policy experts have pointed out "we need considering the cost-benefit from this is taboo was the talk of money to bring in medical care is required..
followed by the cancer treatment researchers, stated that "it's important that research and genome analysis analyzes the causes of cancer is progressing, but never universal, not to develop treatments with patients'.

There were participants eagerly ask an expert at

. And organized "national cancer patient Association" of Shinsuke Amano Director opined that "it's very important that, to save lives, getting the right patient to undergo appropriate treatment knowledge is important for sending voice".
Director General Amano "cancer research early advances, the greater the expectation of new medicines, but patients have to think about money. To disseminate patient voices cancer lead to support the health care "and talk.


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