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Folk songs of "one love" closed for the general public



tsumagoi resort complex in Kakegawa, Shizuoka Prefecture, was popular as a folk song Holy

42 years is 25, general business, and the legions of music fans, he said goodbye.

"One love" is

in Kakegawa-Shi, Shizuoka, opened as a resort complex with hotels and outdoor concert venues, such as 0/1974, and Yoshida Takuro's singers and folk groups "Kaguya Hime" has been popular as a folk song concert over 12 hours, including holy land. General public sales

but continued deficits in the diversified leisure and aging, lasted 42 years in 25 days to finish.

the final 25 days gathered legions of music fans, playing the guitar, Takuro Yoshida, I was of singing, he said goodbye.

He 40s

"play the guitar on the final day at the historic venue and really enjoyed it" spoke thoughtfully.

glass Windows, "42 years thanks to you" and "thank you" users said the message was written with. Is that according to the company, 24th night was almost fully booked hotels as well.

was 20 years too, Aichi Prefecture Toyota city couples ' stay in this most sad and tears fell. Closed is lonely, where small children and adults play "and was talking about.

Kakegawa city that often used in tennis

57-year-old man "when he was young, spent in tsumagoi. Deep deep emotion "and was talking about.

Shizuoka Prefecture and the city was urge facilities survive the parent instrument maker Yamaha assignment ahead selection.


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