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東電会長 汚染水放出発言報道で全漁連が抗議を英語にすると


TEPCO's Chairman Takashi Kawamura dilutes the polluted water containing large amounts of radioactive substances occurring at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station and releases it to the sea On Friday, the Federation of National Fisheries Association = the National Fisheries Cooperative Federation protested, in response to being reported in part by saying "I am judging". To this, TEPCO president Kawamura explained, "There is no fact that it has decided to release contaminated water off the ocean."


東電会長 汚染水放出発言報道で全漁連が抗議

東電会長 汚染水放出発言報道で全漁連が抗議 の原文をチェック

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