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国内最大のサンゴ礁 ことしも一部で白化現象 沖縄を英語にすると


"Whitening phenomenon" in which the coral dies white after dying has occurred last year in the worst scale of the past Okinawa Prefecture Okinawa Prefecture Okinawa Prefecture Part of the largest reef in the country off the coast of Ishigakijima It is clear that the whitening phenomenon is occurring, and the Ministry of the Environment says "I want to pay close attention to changes in weather conditions and seawater temperature."


国内最大のサンゴ礁 ことしも一部で白化現象 沖縄

国内最大のサンゴ礁 ことしも一部で白化現象 沖縄 の原文をチェック

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