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政府 米国産などの冷凍牛肉の輸入制限を発表を英語にすると


Since the import volume of frozen beef produced in America has sharply increased and exceeded the standard, the government invokes urgent import restriction measures called "safeguard" , Announced to raise tariffs on frozen beef. This is a measure based on international trade rules, WTO = agreement of the World Trade Organization, between the first month of next month and March 31 next year, tariffs on frozen beef produced in the United States are currently 38. It will be raised from 5% to 50%.


政府 米国産などの冷凍牛肉の輸入制限を発表

政府 米国産などの冷凍牛肉の輸入制限を発表 の原文をチェック

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