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広陵 中村 またホームラン 大会最多記録を更新を英語にすると


In Summer National High School Baseball held at Koshien Stadium, Norimura Shuzoi of Hiroshima's Hiroshima High School got a fifth bat of the semifinal with Nara's Tenri High School I hit the solo homerun who will be home run of the second game of this game. With this, Nakamura 's tournament' s home run number has reached six, exceeding the five marks marked by Mr. Kiyohiro Kiyohara of the PL school at the 67th convention of Showa 60 's, updated the record of the convention for the first time in 32 years.


広陵 中村 またホームラン 大会最多記録を更新

広陵 中村 またホームラン 大会最多記録を更新 の原文をチェック

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