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甲子園 敗れた東海大菅生 最後まで積極的にを英語にすると


Summer's national high school baseball, the second game of the semi-finals Saitama's Hanasakakoku High School extended to Tokai Daigo High School in West Tokyo 11 times, 9: 6 wins I decided to advance to the finals first. Tokai Daisuke who also aimed for the first final stage advance. Despite being defeated, in this consecutive game including this game, in the last consecutive games hit digit hit and the hitting power of the taste was demonstrated to the last.


甲子園 敗れた東海大菅生 最後まで積極的に

甲子園 敗れた東海大菅生 最後まで積極的に の原文をチェック

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