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日馬富士暴行問題 2人と同席力士から事情聞く方針 警察を英語にすると


Totori Prefecture Police Headquarters is suspected of injuries due to the problem of grandson sumo wrestler Yokozuna and Hiima Fuji being assaulted by Takashi Rock of Hiragana and suffered injury In addition to listening to the circumstances from both Hitachi Fuji and Takahino Rock in the future, we plan to hear from other sumo wrestlers who attended to clarify the cause of the trouble and detailed situation of assault.


日馬富士暴行問題 2人と同席力士から事情聞く方針 警察

日馬富士暴行問題 2人と同席力士から事情聞く方針 警察 の原文をチェック

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