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赤穂浪士 堀部安兵衛の遺骨が300年ぶり里帰り 新潟 新発田を英語にすると


The remains of Ako Ryo and Horibe Yasubei from Shibata clan, which was in Niigata prefecture now, are separated from Sengakuji in Tokyo and are located in Shibata City At Yukari no Temple, a civilization ceremony was held to celebrate the first time in 300 years of his relocation.


赤穂浪士 堀部安兵衛の遺骨が300年ぶり里帰り 新潟 新発田

赤穂浪士 堀部安兵衛の遺骨が300年ぶり里帰り 新潟 新発田 の原文をチェック

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