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新幹線の台車亀裂 JR西日本 社長ら12人が役員報酬返上を英語にすると


A crack was found in the truck of the Tokaido / Sanyo Shinkansen, President Tatsuo Kurushima of JR West gave a press conference and the compensation of executives including Mizuho In addition, we revealed the policy of new safety measures such as increasing the number of employees in charge of maintenance so that we can quickly check if there is a problem with the vehicle.


新幹線の台車亀裂 JR西日本 社長ら12人が役員報酬返上

新幹線の台車亀裂 JR西日本 社長ら12人が役員報酬返上 の原文をチェック

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