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Mr. Hideki Matsui who was active in the giants and the Major League Yankees etc. at the "Baseball Hall of Fame" to honor those who have made great achievements in the development of the baseball world, is the youngest 43-year-old In addition, four people were newly selected, including Mr. Kimoto Kimoto who is the manager of the Hanshin and Takashi Hara, director of the giants' director.


野球界の発展に大きな功績を残した人をたたえる「野球殿堂」に、巨人や大リーグ ヤンキースなどで活躍した松井秀喜氏が史上最年少の43歳で選ばれたほか、阪神の監督を務める金本知憲氏や、巨人の前の監督の原辰徳氏など合わせて4人が新たに選ばれました。

野球殿堂に松井秀喜氏ら4人 の原文をチェック

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