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大相撲春場所5日目 横綱 鶴竜が5連勝 | NHKニュースを英語にすると


Grand Sumo wrestling shogun was held on the 5th day at the Osaka Prefectural Gymnasium in Osaka City, and Yokozuna Tsuruyu was reworked I broke Takara Fuji at the number and stretched the winning streak from the first day to five.

It is the victory or defeat after the intermediary.

Myoko dragon in Heiyama, Myogi dragon won by extrusion. He is the first black star.

Aokoku On the Einuan Sea, Ao Country comes to a close.

Amami in the momentum, Amami ha ha sucked.

Asanoyama to Nishiki, Asanoyama throws a scoop.

Toyoyama in Oozamaru won by Daisho Maru pushing it off.

Country of Chiyo to Ishiura, sent out by the country of Chiyo.

Dragon electronics in Tochigi mountain, Tochigi mountain throws a haruma.

Chiyo Shokuma in the ocean of Oki won the Oki sea well for throwing.

Kaoru to Daiei Xiang, Daiei Xiang pushed it off.

Akira shines, the shine pierced.

Kaijiri in Chiyomaru, Cascade is the fifth straight winner.

Masayoshi won the Kitakatsu Fuji with a knockout.

Matsuyoshi mountain in Arahashi, Matsuyoshi mountain ranked 5 consecutive wins.

Endo in the escape castle, Oshinojo is completely removed.

Tochino Ko to Chiyo Daisuwa, Tochinoshin sent out.

In the Otaku ocean, Otashi won the Otaku Sea by extrusion.

On the precious scenic spot, Ozeki Australia Esakudo won 3 race wins and 2 losses as the race won by extrusion.

Kota chrysanthemums to Takayasu Ozeki won with Takayasu scooping. Takan is a white star in the third consecutive victory from the third day.

Takara Fuji's number one in Yokozuna Tsuruhi was taken over by the same body, Tsuruyu won by extrusion and extended the winning streak from the first day to five.


大相撲春場所5日目 横綱 鶴竜が5連勝 | NHKニュース
大相撲春場所は、大阪市の大阪府立体育会館で5日目の取組が行われ、横綱 鶴竜は取り直しの一番で宝富士を破り、初日からの連勝を5に伸ばしました。

大相撲春場所5日目 横綱 鶴竜が5連勝 | NHKニュース の原文をチェック

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