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G20閉幕 保護主義抑制のため「さらなる対話と行動必要」を英語にすると


G 20 = President of the top 20 countries in the Buenos Aires, Argentina closed the meeting in the early hours of the 21st of Japan time did. In the "Statement", we reconfirmed the agreement at the G20 Summit last July, including "to fight protectionism" and so on before the US invokes import restrictive measures imposing high tariffs on iron and steel etc. nearby , "We need further dialogue and action".


G20閉幕 保護主義抑制のため「さらなる対話と行動必要」

G20閉幕 保護主義抑制のため「さらなる対話と行動必要」 の原文をチェック

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