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羽生結弦選手の祝賀パレード 開始前から大勢のファン 仙台を英語にすると


a celebration parade of Hanyu Yasushi who played the Olympic 2nd successive in figure skating's men's single will be held in Sendai City from the hometown on Sunday 22nd A lot of fans are already packing along the roads. Hanyu played a departure ceremony at 1:00 pm and then paraded over 1 kilometer of "East 2nd Street" in the center of Sendai city, over 40 minutes by riding a dedicated car.


羽生結弦選手の祝賀パレード 開始前から大勢のファン 仙台

羽生結弦選手の祝賀パレード 開始前から大勢のファン 仙台 の原文をチェック

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