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東芝 半導体子会社の売却を中国が承認 日米韓連合に売却へを英語にすると


On the examination of China's antitrust law, which Toshiba decided to reconstruct its semiconductor subsidiary concerning the sale of "Toshiba Memory" , It was revealed that communication to approve from the Chinese authorities entered into an American investment fund, which is the core of the "Japan, the ROK and the Union" to acquire Toshiba Memory. As a result, Toshiba is expected to sell Toshiba memory to the Japan - US - ROK federation at 2 trillion yen.


東芝 半導体子会社の売却を中国が承認 日米韓連合に売却へ

東芝 半導体子会社の売却を中国が承認 日米韓連合に売却へ の原文をチェック

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