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鉄鋼関税 「G7で最優先に話し合う」 議長国カナダの財務相を英語にすると


Since the US trump regime has decided to expand the exceptional measures that high tariffs on iron and steel products etc. to Canada and the EU = European Union , G7 which begins the day = Discussing this issue as a top priority at the finance ministers / central bank governors' conference of the seven major countries, Mr. Morneau, Finance Minister of the Presidency Canada, revealed.


鉄鋼関税 「G7で最優先に話し合う」 議長国カナダの財務相

鉄鋼関税 「G7で最優先に話し合う」 議長国カナダの財務相 の原文をチェック

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