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ご当地ギョーザが集合! 全国餃子まつり 仙台 | NHKニュースを英語にすると


"National dumplings festival" where local gyoza gather around the country is held in Sendai city.

The national dumplings festival is held every year to promote local dumplings, and Sendai City has become the venue this year.

I can enjoy all the dumplings at 300 yen, and I am crowded with many families.

At the venue, there were long rows in Uosunomiya City and Hamamatsu City gyoza competing in the best in terms of the purchase price of dumplings, as well as 500 dumplings at one time in a large pot baked "disc gyoza "Was also gaining popularity.

Also from Sendai City, a green "Sendai Aoba dumpling" kneaded with locally produced snow crops was exhibited.

The boy who visited with his family said, "There are various flavors such as squeezed dumplings and juicy dumplings and it is very tasty."

The national dumplings festival is held at Sendai Aoba-yama Exchange Square in Sendai City until 10th.


ご当地ギョーザが集合! 全国餃子まつり 仙台 | NHKニュース

ご当地ギョーザが集合! 全国餃子まつり 仙台 | NHKニュース の原文をチェック

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