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父の日 マグカップにお父さんの似顔絵描いて贈る 高知 | NHKニュースを英語にすると


On the 17th of the "Father's Day" on the 17th, in the shopping arcade in the center of Kochi City, the portraits of a white mug that children give to his father And a message drawing event were held.

This event was held in Kochi City 's shopping district every year on "Father's Day" and around 300 children under elementary school children gathered in the arcade.

When children received 5 colors of crayons such as red and blue on a white mug, they immediately drawn a father's portrait and daily gratitude.

And when you wrapped the drawn mug in a bag and attached a ribbon, only one gift was made in the world.

A 6 year old girl said, "I drew a face of my father, I am glad that you will be pleased."

A 12 - year - old girl who dressed a cup with polka dots and added his father 's name to the girl said, "I appreciate your gratitude to my father who always plays and I look forward to seeing a happy face." I was talking.


父の日 マグカップにお父さんの似顔絵描いて贈る 高知 | NHKニュース

父の日 マグカップにお父さんの似顔絵描いて贈る 高知 | NHKニュース の原文をチェック

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