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ホテルオークラ東京 旧本館ロビー復元し来年9月オープンへ | NHKニュースを英語にすると


Tokyo's well-established hotel "Hotel Okura Tokyo", which is undergoing rebuilding of the main building, is a symbol of the former main building's hanging ceremony I restored the lobby with lighting and revealed plans to open in September next year.

Hotel Okura Tokyo, three years ago, opened the main building once the aging of the building has progressed and the number of guests is expected to increase by hosting the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympic Games in 2020 Finished, we are proceeding with rebuilding construction.

An overview of the new main building will be announced on the 25th, and an office floor will be established in addition to the hotel in the two towers on the ground 41 stories and 17 stories, and will be opened again next September.

The symbol of the former main building, the lobby which was highly evaluated from overseas as being Japanese traditional beauty is plan to restore the hanging type lighting with the motif of the old tomb era almost as it is .

We also have a suite room with a size of 720 square meters and accommodation fee of 3 million yen a night to respond to overseas dignitaries.

President of Hotel Okura Toshihiro Ogita said, "Although the supply of new hotels is on the rise, the demand is the highest after the collapse of the bubble, and appeals to foreign guests Japan's heartfelt hospitality I want to go "I was talking.


ホテルオークラ東京 旧本館ロビー復元し来年9月オープンへ | NHKニュース

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