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サッカーJ1 柿谷がセレッソ大阪に残留 | NHKニュースを英語にすると


Former Japan representative Kimikiya Sachiro declines offer to win from Gamba Osaka at Football J1, Cerezo Osaka forward, remaining in Cerezo I understood that.

On Kakitani, Kamiya players who carry the back number 8, which is the team's ace number, became apparent on 17th this month that they received a formal offer to acquire from Gamba Osaka Whether you are transferring to Gamba, home to the same Osaka area, attention gathered.

According to Ogura Kiyoshi General Manager of Cerezo, Kakitani said that it was decided to stay in Cerezo with a notice of refusal to Gamba that had been offering offers on the 29th.

Director Okuma told us, "I think that we decided to work hard at Cerezo in a comprehensive judgment."


サッカーJ1 柿谷がセレッソ大阪に残留 | NHKニュース

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