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株価 一時200円超下落も小幅な値下がりを英語にすると


Today's Tokyo stock market, stock prices fell more than 200 yen temporarily after trading in the afternoon, but then there was a move to repurchase, after all, a small amount It has fallen. The Nikkei Stock Average, the closing price today is 26. 39 yen lower than yesterday 21,185 yen 54. The TSE stock index = topics fell 2.49 to 1692. The trading volume was 1.48826 million shares on 80. 1 day. Market officials said, "Investors are increasingly concerned about the trade friction between the United States and China, and it has become a day for selling and buying while crossing the price movements of the Shanghai market etc. The US Department of Commerce Many investors are worried about further worsening relations between the United States and China by recommending to the regulatory agencies to reject applications for business licenses in the United States by major telecommunications giants. "


株価 一時200円超下落も小幅な値下がり

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