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テニス ウィンブルドン シングルス日本勢 錦織と大坂以外敗退を英語にすると


Singles' first round was held on Wimbledon in the four tennis tournaments, the Wimbledon Championships, and Yuichi Sugita, who aimed for breakthrough for the second consecutive year, Taro Daniel who played the first tour victory, and Nara Kurumi players were both defeated. Japanese squads of the singles were eliminated except for Kei Nishikori and Naomi Osaka players.


テニス ウィンブルドン シングルス日本勢 錦織と大坂以外敗退

テニス ウィンブルドン シングルス日本勢 錦織と大坂以外敗退 の原文をチェック

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