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大相撲名古屋場所6日目 栃ノ心が初黒星を英語にすると


Sumo wrestling Nagoya place was held at the Aichi prefectural gymnasium in Nagoya-shi on the 6th day, the new Ozeki Tochinoshi was a small conglomerate Jade eagle I lost, I took the first Legend. Meanwhile, Yokozuna and Tsuruuri were brought home from the 13th due to the injury to the right elbow, and three yokozuna were absent with the rare village, White Peng.


大相撲名古屋場所6日目 栃ノ心が初黒星

大相撲名古屋場所6日目 栃ノ心が初黒星 の原文をチェック

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