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大相撲名古屋場所7日目 御嶽海が7連勝 栃ノ心は休場を英語にすると


Sumo wrestling Nagoya Place was on the 7th day at the Aichi prefectural gymnasium in Nagoya city, and Kanawakitake Ocean where only one victor was left I won seven consecutive victories from the first day after winning Kotori chrysanthemum. Meanwhile, the new Ozeki Tocho Rino, who was attracting attention, hurt his thumb on the 13th effort, closed from the 14th and 3 Yokozuna and 1 Ozeki became absent.


大相撲名古屋場所7日目 御嶽海が7連勝 栃ノ心は休場

大相撲名古屋場所7日目 御嶽海が7連勝 栃ノ心は休場 の原文をチェック

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