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プロ野球 楽天GMに石井一久氏が就任決定 来月から | NHKニュースを英語にすると


Professional baseball Rakuten gave 182 wins in Japan and the United States as a leader in the team formation department, general manager of the team formation department I officially announced that Mr. Kazuhisa Ishii will take office on the 1st of next month.

Mr. Ishii is 44 years old from Chiba Prefecture.
I joined Yakult at the draft 1st place in 1991, and contributed four times to Japan as a starting pitcher on the left.
He also won 39 dogs at the Major League, including Dodgers, and marked 182 victories in Japan and the United States.

Rakuten, until Seiichi Hoshino who served as the team formation team vice chairman until last season died in January, and the team has also been sluggish at the bottom of the Pacific League. For the purpose, Mr. Ishii, who is familiar with the Japanese and American ball fields, was planning to leave the role of general manager.

Mr. Ishii is scheduled to take office on Sunday 27th at the inaugural meeting with president of Tsunaida yoshihisa baseball team, will be appointed on the 1st of the next month, and will acquire the draft and new foreign players, etc. Strategies for strengthening will draw attention.


プロ野球 楽天GMに石井一久氏が就任決定 来月から | NHKニュース
プロ野球 楽天は、チーム編成部門のトップ、ゼネラルマネージャーに、現役時代、日米通算で182勝をあげた石井一久氏が来月1日に就任することを正式に発表しました。

プロ野球 楽天GMに石井一久氏が就任決定 来月から | NHKニュース の原文をチェック

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