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セーリングW杯 日本勢 470級 男子は岡田・外薗組が初の金を英語にすると


It also doubles as the test tournament of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games, the sailing World Cup Enoshima tournament was on the 16th of the last day, because the wind was weak, one The race of the department was canceled, and the pair of Mr. Okada Kyoki and Mr. Junpei Uzeno won the gold medal for the first time in the men's 470 class as a result of 15th.


セーリングW杯 日本勢 470級 男子は岡田・外薗組が初の金

セーリングW杯 日本勢 470級 男子は岡田・外薗組が初の金 の原文をチェック

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