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エンジェルス大谷 指名打者で出場 2打数1安打 | NHKニュースを英語にすると


Angel's Shoehiru Otani has appeared as a designated hitter on the 18th athletics match, with two batting hits and two forebod ball contents did.

Otani of Angels participated in No. 5 designated hitter in the match against Athletics on 18th in Auckland, the base of the opponent.

In the first bat of the second game, we played against the right pitcher and went out with a foreball, and in the second bow in the fourth round it was a left fly.

The 6th 3rd battle was against the left pitcher at the scene of 1 out first baseman, hit the in-course fastball and expanded the opportunity as a hit before the left. Otani stepped on the home at home run of a friend after this after this.

In the fourth round of the seventh rounds, I again chose the foreball and went out.

Otani got 1 batting hit for this game and 2 bowls for 2 foreballs.

Angels won 9 to 7 in the game.


エンジェルス大谷 指名打者で出場 2打数1安打 | NHKニュース

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