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決勝でストレート負け 大坂なおみ「単純ミス重ねた」を英語にすると


Naomi Osaka who won the tennis at the US Open, Women's Singles. Regarding what was lost in the final of the Tour Competition held in Tokyo, "It is a shame that we lost while losing the final but we were really pleased with the opponent's play, such as Saab etc. Where I made a simple mistake on my own I think that I did not think it was possible to bend the body a bit more deeply, but I could not do that. "


決勝でストレート負け 大坂なおみ「単純ミス重ねた」

決勝でストレート負け 大坂なおみ「単純ミス重ねた」 の原文をチェック

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