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サッカー ニュルンベルク 久保 2試合ぶり先発で躍動 | NHKニュースを英語にすると


Yukiyuki Kubo from Nuremberg and Soccer, German first division league, played for the first time in two games against Frankfurt and will be the starting point of the attack I showed my play and showed my presence.

Nuremberg, to which Kubo belongs, fought against Frankfurt to which Masayuki Hasebe belongs at home on the 28th.

Kubo entered the position of aggressive midfielder and started for the first time in two games, ran for the front line from the beginning, kept the ball in a high position, and showed aggressive play.

In the latter half 32 minutes of 0 vs. 0, he struck a strong shot directly on his side path in front of the goal before the goal, but he was hampered by the opposing goalkeeper and he could not take his score .

One minute after that, Kubo got a ball inside the opponent's team, then put an exquisite through pass right in front of the opponent, and the team decided the goal as the starting point and the team took the lead .

Kubo also showed a presence, including a sharp shot out of the goal and hitting a shot, in the latter half of the 43 minutes he took off.

The team had equalized with the additional time just before the game ended, and the game was tied 1: 1.

Meanwhile, Frankfurt's Hasebe played a full start in six consecutive games.


サッカー ニュルンベルク 久保 2試合ぶり先発で躍動 | NHKニュース

サッカー ニュルンベルク 久保 2試合ぶり先発で躍動 | NHKニュース の原文をチェック

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