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世界体操選手権 男子個人総合 “内村頼み”の現状浮き彫りにを英語にすると


Japan men' s personal comprehension at the World Championships Japan was unable to win a medal for the first time in 23 years, except for the convention which discontinued dispatch. The fact that we rely on Kohei Uchimura, a 29-year-old Ace who abandoned participation in this event due to injury, as a result of Japan's emphasis on individual individuals who emphasized individuals, revealed the current state of affairs, Reinforcement became an urgent task.


世界体操選手権 男子個人総合 “内村頼み”の現状浮き彫りに

世界体操選手権 男子個人総合 “内村頼み”の現状浮き彫りに の原文をチェック

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