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東京 日比谷公園に新たなスポーツ施設 | NHKニュースを英語にすると


People who run in Hibiya Park in Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo, trying to increase the number of people who enjoy sports for the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympic Games of the coming year New facilities that can be opened will be opened.

This facility opened in Hibiya Park by the Tokyo Metropolitan Park Association and major sports equipment manufacturers, and before the 23rd opening, Governor Koike attended and the opening ceremony Was done.

Mr. Naoko Takahashi, gold medalist of the Sydney Olympic girls marathon invited as guests, said, "Since I think that this place will be a base for cheering at the tournament in the coming year, it is a place where many people gather I want it, "I greeted.

This facility has a locker room for a fee that runners and others can use, and a cafe that provides healthy meals.

In addition, a gallery was set up to excite the Tokyo competition, and official pamphlets of Tokyo Convention in 1964, silver medalist of the Mexican Olympic men's marathon, Kenji Kimihara's uniform etc. are displayed.

Since the area around Hibiya Park will be a marathon course at Tokyo Conference, the metropolitan government wants many people to use this facility for the purpose of increasing the momentum for the event.


東京 日比谷公園に新たなスポーツ施設 | NHKニュース

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