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大関 豪栄道 きょうから休場 右腕痛める | NHKニュースを英語にすると


It was decided to close from the 22nd day on the 12th day when Osaka Ryuika got injured in the right arm at the Grand Sumo wrestling Kyushu location.

Australia Road now loses 3 losses in the early stages and then decided to win over 8 wins and 3 losses by winning 6 consecutive victories from day 6 to day 11 of 21, Depending on the change of the sumo wrestlers were lacking in sophistication.

According to Masakawa's master of the teacher, Australia's east coast was reported to the Japanese Sumo Association on the 22nd morning, saying that he hurt his right arm with the work of Masayo on the seventh day, from the 22nd on the 12th day of Kyushu It was decided to be closed.

Sekiwake Oku Ocean, which was scheduled to play against the 22nd in the eighth time since the summer vacation in May this year, will be out of victory.

Sakami Sakagawa said, "I damaged the muscles of the upper arm of the right arm, so the responsibility as Ozeki is his choice because I know him most, so it is important to get back to the body that can cure quickly and get sumo I am sorry for my fans and I feel so bad that I can not say it in words. "

Now the place is closed from Yokozuna Shiropen and Tsuruu from the first day, three yokozuna of the rare village are closed from the 5th day, and the four signboard wrestlers are absent for the absence of Bao Rong Road I will.


大関 豪栄道 きょうから休場 右腕痛める | NHKニュース
大相撲九州場所で、大関 豪栄道が右腕を痛めたとして、12日目の22日から休場することになりました。

大関 豪栄道 きょうから休場 右腕痛める | NHKニュース の原文をチェック

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