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大相撲 元幕内の里山が引退 年寄 佐ノ山襲名へ | NHKニュースを英語にすると


37-year-old satoyama retired on the 23rd in the former curtain of sumo sumo, It was.

Satoyama in Onoue room is 37 years old from Amami city in Kagoshima prefecture. After graduating from Nihon University, I took the first ring at the spring plaza in 2004, the former sumo wrestler.

Promoted to New Zen in the first place in 2006, winning 10 at the spring schedule in 2007 and fulfilling a new entrance to the summer place.

There were also injuries and others afterwards, but sumo wrestled long in Makuuchi, Ten and Shogaku.

Now the place is 3rd wins and 3 losses of 3 consecutive wins after 9 consecutive losers of the West Nishi, celebrating the 23rd of the 13th, we decided to win by throwing down to Koto Kamiya poorly It was.

Satoyama who decorated the last effort with a white star said, "I did not think there were 4 consecutive victories from the third consecutive defeat, it was truly appreciated."

After the efforts on 23rd, the Japan Sumo Association announced that she approved Satoyama's retirement and the elderly · Sano mountain name. In the future, you will be teaching backwards as a boss.

Satoyama plans to hold a press conference in Fukuoka city on the 25th.


大相撲 元幕内の里山が引退 年寄 佐ノ山襲名へ | NHKニュース
大相撲の元幕内で37歳の里山が23日に引退し、年寄 佐ノ山を襲名することになりました。

大相撲 元幕内の里山が引退 年寄 佐ノ山襲名へ | NHKニュース の原文をチェック

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