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横綱 稀勢の里 冬巡業すべて休場へ 調整遅れか | NHKニュースを英語にすると


Yokozuna Rare village, which was closed during the Grand Sumo Kyushu site, will also be closed for all winter cruises until the 22nd of this month It seems that the adjustment for the first place of next month is delayed.

Yokozuna Rare village is the Kyushu place last month which took full resurgence, as Yokozuna as the Yokozuna for the first time in 87 years excluding battlefield loss four consecutive loses from the first day, closed on the ground due to the injury of the right knee Did. After the place, the Yokozuna deliberation committee made a resolution of an unusual "encouragement", saying "The disappointment of the fans who expected the resurrection is great" to the rare village.

Rare village is closed from the winter tour from the 2nd of this month, and we are making adjustments in a private manner in the Tagonoura room in Tokyo Edogawa Ward.

The winter tour will be held until the 22nd of this month, but according to the master Mr. Tago Nopura, the rare village will be closed for all, including local tours in Ibaraki Prefecture on the last day That means I decided.

Masaki Taguchi explained, "Although cruising is important, I want to strengthen the body because there are things injuries, I want to do everything I can do for this place" I showed my idea of ​​concentrating on practicing in the room towards the place of.

In addition, concerning the fact that the Yokozuna deliberation committee made a resolution of "encouragement", he said, "Yokozuna himself thinks" I think that I have to work hard ".

According to the stakeholders, the rare village is that the Kyushu site has been closed and the basic exercise such as shiko is continuing.

Although the rare village will be asked to advance and retreat to the next place of participation, it will be a situation in which the severe sumo wrestling with the girls will continue for the whole holiday of the tour and will come It seems that the adjustment for the first place of the month is delayed.

In response to the question "Is the condition of the injury still not good" from the reporters, answered "Yes, I see." After the rude village, I left the rehearsal place.


横綱 稀勢の里 冬巡業すべて休場へ 調整遅れか | NHKニュース
大相撲九州場所を途中休場した横綱 稀勢の里が、今月22日までの冬巡業もすべて休場することになり、来月の初場所に向けた調整が遅れているものとみられます。

横綱 稀勢の里 冬巡業すべて休場へ 調整遅れか | NHKニュース の原文をチェック

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