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3度の「トリプルスリー」ヤクルト山田 4億3000万円で更改を英語にすると


Yakult's Yakuto Tetsuhito who achieved 30% batting percentage, 30 home runs and 30 stolen bases on his professional baseball, The player has renewed the contract with an estimated salary of 430 million yen plus an estimated 150 million yen upwardly, and pledged further success as "I want to surpass the score of all over the next season in the next season" .


3度の「トリプルスリー」ヤクルト山田 4億3000万円で更改

3度の「トリプルスリー」ヤクルト山田 4億3000万円で更改 の原文をチェック

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