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マリナーズ 菊池雄星 背番号18 「結果出すことが目標」を英語にすると


Kikuchi Yososu pitcher who decided to transfer from the professional baseball team, Seibu to the major league mariners, on March 3 in the stadium of the Mariners in Seattle I came to the bilateral interview. Kikuchi pitcher said, "I would like to show a bigger thing both technically and humanly, not goal to come to the major league, but to aim for results," he stated his ambition in the New World. The number of the jersey is determined to be "18".


マリナーズ 菊池雄星 背番号18 「結果出すことが目標」

マリナーズ 菊池雄星 背番号18 「結果出すことが目標」 の原文をチェック

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