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スキージャンプ女子 高梨が国内大会で優勝 ことし初勝利 | NHKニュースを英語にすると


Ski Jump Women, Pyong Chang Olympic Copper Medalist Takanashi Sara has won the domestic competition in Sapporo I gave my first victory.

At the Miyanomori Jump Stadium in Chuo Ward, Sapporo City, the domestic convention has been held for two consecutive days from the 5th and the Sapporo Olympic Memorial Conference held on Normal Hill on the 6th is about 100 A person attended.

Of these girls, Takanashi who was second in the previous day's convention flew 92 meters 50 beyond the K point which is the criterion of the score by the flight distance, at the first time, at the first time, he went to the top .

Takanashi gave the first victory with a total of 235 points, showing a 92-meter jump that exceeds the K point, just passing on the strength with the trampling that is a challenge for the second time It was.

Second place was Yuuki Ito, Pyong Chang Olympic representative.


スキージャンプ女子 高梨が国内大会で優勝 ことし初勝利 | NHKニュース

スキージャンプ女子 高梨が国内大会で優勝 ことし初勝利 | NHKニュース の原文をチェック

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