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『サンバDEアミーゴ:パーティーセントラル』YOASOBIの「アイドル」等を収録したDLC「Kawaii ミュージックパック」が11月30日配信を英語にすると



[画像1: https://prtimes.jp/i/5397/5473/resize/d5397-5473-ad81a7687581adbd74a3-0.jpg ]

DLC「Kawaii ミュージックパック」には、日本のみならず世界中で大ヒットを記録したYOASOBIの「アイドル」、一世を風...

in English / "Samba de Amigo: Party Central" DLC "Kawaii Music Pack," which includes YOASOBI's "Idol," will be released on November 30th.

**Sega Corporation**
**[Image 1: https://prtimes.jp/i/5397/5473/resize/d5397-5473-ad81a7687581adbd74a3-0.jpg]**

The DLC "Kawaii Music Pack" features YOASOBI's "Idol," which has been a huge hit not only in Japan, but all over the world.
It also includes...


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