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衆院予算委 今年度補正予算案を可決




in English

The supplementary budget proposal for this fiscal year, which supports economic measures, was voted on in the Budget Committee of the House of Representatives and was approved by a majority vote from the Liberal Democratic Party, Komeito, Nippon Ishin no Kai, and the Democratic Party for the People. It is also expected to be approved in the afternoon session of the House of Representatives and sent to the House of Councillors.

in Germany

The supplementary budget proposal for this fiscal year, which supports economic measures, was passed in the Budget Committee of the House of Representatives, and was approved by a majority of votes from the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, Komeito, Nippon Ishin no Kai, and the Democratic Party for the People. It will also be passed in the later plenary session of the House of Representatives and sent to the House of Councillors.


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