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[画像1: https://prtimes.jp/i/60459/408/resize/d60459-408-46d25cce020e1d5310d8-0.jpg ]


in English / Mysterious masked dance terrorist group "O-MENZ" successfully completes their battle-tested free live tour! From November 27th, battle-tested goods will be available for purchase online. Also, "Battle-tested can badge" sold at Kabuki-cho will be included in the lineup.

[ISARIBI Co., Ltd]

[image 1: https://prtimes.jp/i/60459/408/resize/d60459-408-46d25cce020e1d5310d8-0.jpg]

Furthermore, a digest video "百戦錬磨見聞録" featuring carefully selected highlights from all the performances of this tour will be released at a later date...


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