Japanese Online Learning Class.

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【11月27日発売】もしものときにも安心! 終活支援のプロとお金のプロが考えた、はじめてでも簡単、わかりやすい「生前整理に役立つノート」が発売になりました。を英語にすると



[画像1: https://prtimes.jp/i/60318/681/resize/d60318-681-10991926c981b0814292-0.jpg ]



in English / "Released on November 27th" Peace of mind even in case of emergency! A notebook to help with end-of-life planning, developed by professionals in end-of-life support and finance, it's easy for beginners to use and understand. This notebook is now on sale.

[One Publishing Co., Ltd.]
[Image 1: https://prtimes.jp/i/60318/681/resize/d60318-681-10991926c981b0814292-0.jpg ]

When the time comes, all the necessary information is compiled into one book.

As we age, our personal information continues to grow. As adults...


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