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【新しい健康の定義だとSNSで話題沸騰!】注目の書籍『がんばらないで生きる がんになった緩和ケア医が伝える「40歳からの健康の考え方」』で、これからの人生の歩み方について考えよう!を英語にすると



[画像: https://prtimes.jp/i/7006/13766/resize/d7006-13766-bb19895effbda9adb60e-0.png ]


in English / The new definition of health is causing a buzz on social media! Let's think about how to live our lives based on the popular book "Living without Trying: A Palliative Care Doctor's Advice on Health after 40."

**KADOKAWA Co., Ltd**
**Image: https://prtimes.jp/i/7006/13766/resize/d7006-13766-bb19895effbda9adb60e-0.png**

What image comes to mind when you hear "palliative care"?
Many people think of treating terminally ill patients for whom cancer treatment has not been successful...


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