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大谷翔平の移籍交渉 ドジャース監督「面談はうまくいった」




in English

Los Angeles Dodgers manager Roberts revealed in an interview at a hotel in Tennessee, where the Major League Baseball Winter Meetings are being held, that he had met with Shohei Ohtani a few days ago in Los Angeles for negotiations. Roberts said, "I think the meeting went well. I was really happy to spend time with him," and expressed his hopes of acquiring Ohtani.

in Germany

In Germany, Dodgers manager Roberts revealed in an interview at a hotel in Tennessee where the Major League's Winter Meeting is being held, that he had met and negotiated with Shohei Ohtani in Los Angeles a few days ago. Manager Roberts said, "I think the meeting went well. I was really happy to spend time with him, and I have high hopes for acquiring him."


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