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フィギュア 宇野昌磨 GPファイナル2位 マリニンが初優勝



中国 北京で行われているフィギュアスケートのグランプリファンナルは男子シングル後半のフリーが行われ、前半2位の宇野昌磨選手は今シーズンの自己ベストをマークしたものの2位で連覇はなりませんでした。

in English

The Grand Prix Final of figure skating, which is being held in Beijing, China, saw the men's singles free skate in the second half. Despite setting a season's best score, Shoma Uno, who was in second place after the first half, was unable to defend his title and finished in second place.

in Germany

In Germany, the Grand Prix Final of figure skating being held in Beijing, China saw the men's singles free skate taking place. Despite marking his personal best of the season, Shoma Uno, who was in second place in the first half, did not achieve consecutive victories and finished in second place.


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